The attached is work-in-progress which at this stage needs input from you.
On the Main sheet, there are some results in columns O and P which seem to tally fairly well with your values.
What I've done:
Set up several lookup tables on the Price Regulation sheet:
1. A table to look up the area number from the province. I've made many guesses here. So you need to make it correct and perhaps make it bigger. This table is a named range called AreaFromProvince and is at J2:K14. This table is used in column N of the Main sheet.
2. A further 8 tables created from your data in column A of the Price Regulation sheet, named ranges called Area0, Area1, Area3, Area4, Area0Urgent, Area1Urgent, Area3Urgent, and Area4Urgent. You may need to extend or reduce these to cover all possible quantities. I also note that Area3 and Area4 have exaactly the same values so we may not need separate tables for them?
On the Main sheet, the formulae in columns O and P have * 1.287 added to them; this is 17% gasoline and 10% tax.
In order to put the results in one of 4 columns you need to decide where a column will be dedicated to Urgent/Normal delivery information.
Over to you.