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Pivot Tables - multiple rows with unique values and aggregate values


New Member
I have a spreadsheet in which the data shows multiple records for a single account - each separate row shows a payment amount tied to a date. Each record also shows a summation of a different payment amount for that contract. I need the pivot table to sum the unique values associated with each record, but then I need to pull in the summary amount into the pivot table as well (without summing each of the values). For example, if I have 5 rows (which are idential records) with $100 each in the unique payment field and the summary payment amount shows $250, I want the pivot table to show for that record - a sum of $500 for the unique payment field and a sum of $250 for the other payment amount. Does anyone have any way to do this through the pivot table effectively. I cannot add columns and formulas to the data set because it is much too large and takes far too long for the calculations.
I'm not sure how slicers would be of any help here. I need the pivot table to show a sum of field 1 but then show basically an average of field 2. I tried to create a calculated field that takes the sum of field 2 divided by the count of the number of records, because I cannot use a straight average becuase the records with multiple 0's cause my total average to be much less than it should be.
BSmith any chance you could remove sensitive information such as Individuals names and Company names and upload so that we can see what is required