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Pivot Table


Hi Chandoo People,

Attached is the Detroit Dashboard you have probably seen before. On the Offense Dash tab, I would like to put a pivot table under the v lookup for each player. However I can't seem to get it when I choose a different player. I have the stats for two players Alex Avila and Don Kelly so far on each seperate tab. The pivot table is the same for each player. Can I get a pivot table for each individual player I choose? Thank you for your help. Joe, Michigan.


  • Detroit Dashboard.xlsx
    322.8 KB · Views: 5
Hi Joe ,

My opinion is that you have too many tables ; ideally , there would be only one table giving all the statistics ; referencing columns is easier than accessing different worksheets.

Once you have just one table , the pivot table feature is ideal for churning out different views of the same table. Thus from one table , you can have one pivot table for extracting batting stats , another for extracting pitching stats , and so on.

Hi Narayank,
Yes, that's what I wanted too. However, can you look at where the v look up is located? Can I put it in row 1 next to the picture?


  • Detroit Dashboard (1).xlsx
    337.3 KB · Views: 7
Hi Joe ,

I am not sure I have understood you ; at present , you have your formulae in row 2 ; are you asking whether this can be shifted to row 1 ?

Certainly it can be shifted , but in row 1 you have the labels ; where will you shift them ?

If you are using Excel 2010 , you can use slicers , which means you can shift everything away from the pivot table tab , so that your dashboard can have a clean look.

Sorry , I thought I uploaded the file , guess u have found a solution, it was slicers that I was using.....
Hi Nebu ,

Please upload your file ; I have not done anything as yet ; I was only responding to Joe's OP with my comments.

If you have already done something to help , please upload your file.
