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Pivot Table Woes


New Member

I have a large file, 66958 rows to be exact. Within that worksheet, there are duplicates. Is there a way to create a Pivot table that will not be all the rows, but just the unique values and not have to delete the duplicates from the worksheet?

Thank you in advance! =D

This board has a huge amount of data on just about every thing to do with Excel, the search box does work, can not understand why people refuse to us it

Hi Bobhc,

I actually did use the search box but was not really able to find what I was looking for. I apologize if my question upset you...and thank you for the link, but I am looking to create a Pivot Table to display the totals of unique values without removing duplicates from the worksheet.

You can use Advance Filter to give you the unique data on another sheet and then pivot the new sheet.
Hi sprlvlyldy

You can add a helper column and use to check for duplicates and then filter for it or go directly for pivot table using the same table. You can use MATCH() with
Operator to match multiple criteria and Use Countif() to find the duplicate values.

