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Pivot table refresh


New Member
Hi all,

i have pivot table in sheet1 from range(a3:c20) and i have another table from range(a22:f40) and my problem is whenever i am refreshing the data pivot table is disturbing the below table.

i need a macro to refresh the pivot and it should not disturb the below table or it should automatically increase rows based on pivot then the below table will not disturb.

Let me know if you have any questions on this.



This is an unfortunate limitation of Pivot Tables

If you don't know in advance how many rows you need

You have a few option

1. Can you rearrange the PT's so that they expand sideways instead if vertically?

2. Can you allow for a worst case number of rows

3. Can you add another field to your data source that summarizes the data into a known number of values so that the rows are fixed

Eg value 1.. 9 and Other

Which forces it to use 10 rows