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Pivot table referring to old data source

Hi all.

I have certain data linked to 20 pivot tables. When I copy and rename my file, new file pivot tables refer to old file data only. I had to change the data source of 20 pivot tables. Changing data sources each time becomes a tough task. Please help me out.

Suresh M
I have been using pivots for a long time but today I feel the need to add the source to my pivot table as there are many pivots on my sheet that come from different tabs. I have named my data ranges, however can someone tell me how can i with the help of formulas tell which pivot come from which range or tab? I don't want to go to each pivot and check range and then type it out on my summary sheet.
Hello Shamal.

The best way to find data range and tab would be.
Sub Updaterange()

Dim Data_Sheet As Worksheet
Dim Pivot_Sheet As Worksheet
Dim StartPoint As Range
Dim DataRange As Range
Dim PivotName As String
Dim NewRange As String
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim lastRow As Long

'Set Pivot Table & Source Worksheet
Set Data_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PivotTableData3")
Set Pivot_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Pivot3")

'Enter in Pivot Table Name
PivotName = "PivotTable2"

'Defining Staring Point & Dynamic Range
Set StartPoint = Data_Sheet.Range("A1")
LastCol = StartPoint.End(xlToRight).Column
DownCell = StartPoint.End(xlDown).Row
Set DataRange = Data_Sheet.Range(StartPoint, Cells(DownCell, LastCol))

NewRange = Data_Sheet.Name & "!" & DataRange.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)

'Change Pivot Table Data Source Range Address
Pivot_Sheet.PivotTables(PivotName). _
ChangePivotCache ActiveWorkbook. _
PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=NewRange)

'Ensure Pivot Table is Refreshed

'Complete Message
MsgBox "Your Pivot Table is now updated."
End Sub
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