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Pivot Table Not Playing Nice


New Member

I'm attempting to run a pivot table to analyze the committed costs of purchase orders per month. Everything was working great until July and August, when I noticed the following:

1) The sum of committed to date column was not summing the PO total (for July & Aug months)

2) The sum of committed costs (Aug) does not show anything, though when put in count mode (rather than sum), then it shows '1'.

If I could upload a picture it would readily explain my challenge.

I have tried formatting all columns in the data source sheet to the same, to no avail. Any further thoughts or possibilities would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Prima facie, I think you need to update data source of the pivot table. Your pivot is not picking up on Aug/ July data. Update data source by clicking on Option > Change Data Source.

However, you can upload it in Sky drive/ Rapid-share or similar sites, for better understanding..

Thank you for your reply Thermo Dynamics. I tried the Change Data Source & Refresh all, to no avail. Below is a link to the picture. Numbered on the picture is as follows:

1) The autosum of committed to date is not tabulated, though it is in the monthly (see to its right) (I added what looks like '1' where the ones in this square should be, though I did not do so in the other squares...)

2) When in count mode, it shows '1', though when in 'sum' mode, it shows a zero value, when there should be an accounting value.

3) There is no count in the box, though it should say 1. The line exists as the pivot table has found the PO in the commit sheet, yet its not finding the value (or counting it)...


Thanks again in advance for any help.