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Pivot Table - Excel 07 - FIlter using Contains

Thanks for the help. Both files worked.

One thing i noticed is when I was using the table, even though I'm in Excel 2007 the file was a .xls file and said Compatitabiliy Mode at the top. The pivot table options are grayed out for contains. I converted the file to .xlsx and the options became available to do contains. I used the codes listed above and both ways worked.
Pleased to hear it has all worked out, personally I think tables and pivots offer a lot when it comes to filtering. I am sure SirJB7 will agree.....but we will have to wait for his words from on high until he has finished his carlsbergs :)
Hi, rjacmuto32!

Glad you could solve it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.


PS: BTW, I do agree with b(ut)ob(ut)hc.


Hi, old dog new tricked!

I got lost on high... cannot find the pub's door, just the windows, and all locations were on first floor. Maybe I should use this link next time:

