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Pie Chart calculations


New Member
Hi there!

I have a bit of a problem that I can't seem to work out & I'm hoping that you can help me as you usually do....

The pie chart in Question 7 does not calculate correctly.

If I put a 1 in the "Don't know" box the chart returns as "poor"

https://rapidshare.com/files/2904655462/Resident Survey Data Collection_GRO.xlsx
Hi traceym,

The download file is not available, please consider uploading file to dropbox.com


Hi, traceym!

The pie cart works fine when I add or removes 1's from Don't Know or other rows. Mabye you could upload a print screen that displays your issue as I can't replicate it? Thank you.




Take the whole line as link, including up to ".xlsx".


As per SirJB7 it works fine for me

Maybe make sure your Excel is set for Calculation mode Automatic
Hello masters!!

I have no idea what's going on....

I have uploaded some screen prints to demonstrate what happens..

https://rapidshare.com/files/1183433909/print screen.docx
Hi, traceym!

Give a look at this file:


Within the WinRar .rar compressed file you'll find three screenshots that correspond to the same cases in your Word .docx uploaded file and the Excel .xlsx workbook that we (Hui and me) downloaded from your posted link. As you could see, here from this side of the cyberspace it's working fine... so the natural question is:

Are you sure that you're working with the same file that you uploaded? Give a try downloading the file included in this link and check if it works fine or still refuses to obey. Check the fourth worksheet too, if needed.


PS: BTW, do you use any kind of remote assistance software like LogMeIn or TeamViewer? Just to give a look from this side to your rebel workbook.
Hi Sir,

No luck unfortunately. I have opened your file & it still does the same thing.

I have used LogMeIn before & would be grateful if you could take a look.