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Picture in Chart


Hi Chandoo Expert,
Hui helped me out on my project here, but I can't seem to coordinate the picture with the name. Can you write down a step by step instruction on how to do that for me? Thank you. Joe, from Michigan.


  • Grade Template.xlsx
    238.1 KB · Views: 9
Hi Joe,

See your file, the pic next to graph will change on Main sheet as per selection from the drop down.

Note: I had done this for around 3-4 names only you need to bring all the pic with respect to each name on calc sheet as I had done in the order of names given in dropdown.



  • Grade Template.xlsx
    240.8 KB · Views: 11
Last edited:
Hi SM,

In my system drop down result is taking more than expected time about (5-10 seconds).

I am unable to figure out the reason for slowness or is it only running slow in my system.:eek:
