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picture chart thats graphically shows % complete

where i work we build vehicles. We have a project that breaks the assembly into 5 sections. each is statused by its self by % complete. is there a way to graphically take those 5 sections and make a chart that shows % complete while having the picture change colors?
I'd recommend taking a look here:


to see how you can mimic conditional formatting in a chart.

I will admit, I'm a little confused by your terminology...what is a "picture chart"? If it's literally a picture of the section, this might actually be a good use for a pie chart (with two series). Format the one series to be a picture of the section you want to represent, and as the section reaches 100%, the picture of the part becomes "complete".
Which part?

For the pie chart, create a pie chart based off of two numbers, percent complete and percent remaining (calculated via formula). Format the percent remaining series to have no fill and no line, and for the percent complete series, go to fill - pattern, and set it to whatever picture you want (if that's truly what you're wanting).
i tried the pie chart. this helps me describe what i am looking for better. the pie chart stays in a circle, i guess what i want is the picture in the background and the picture fill a gradient of the percent complete. like having just an outline of the vehicle and then, lets say 20% is complete that 20% of the vehicle is now showing the picture. does that help with what i am looking for?

Have a look at: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/04/13/how-to-make-a-5-star-chart/
Thanks everyone, finally figured it out. i used a picture and cut it up into the sections I needed. then i made a sigle bar chart and formatted it will a fill on the clipboard. then peiced them all together.
