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A simple Q - since Im being confused.

in last qrtr the total sale was Rs.1,00,000.00

in this qrtr the sale is Rs.50,000.00

I need to calculate the percentile of decrease in sale.

Please help ...
Hi Shibulal ,

I am not sure where the confusion lies ; the decrease in sales over one quarter is Rs. 50,000.

The percentage ( not percentile ) of decrease is calculated with reference to the first quarter , where the sales was Rs. 1,00,000. The percentage of decrease should therefore be 50 %.

Hi Narayan,

Do agree that it is easy when it is in round figures like what I've given as a test case.

But it will be difficult when the amount is in trilions and in fractions.


Hi Shibu ,

I think the confusion persists ! We are talking about the method , not the real numbers ; =A1+B1 will always add two numbers , whether those numbers are 0.1 and 0.2 or 1 trillion and 2 trillion.

Here , the percentage decrease in sales is to be calculated as :

(Original sales - recent sales)
-------------------------------  x  100
Original sales
This method is independent of the values "Original sales" and "recent sales" might have , though it is assumed that since there is a decrease , it is enough to subtract "recent sales" from "Original sales". If this is not known , then the percentage change would be :

(recent sales - Original sales)
-------------------------------  x  100
Original sales
where , a positive change would be an increase in sales , while a negative change would be a decrease in sales.

Do you agree ?

That I've done it in this way :

A1 B1 C1 D1

(Prev. Yr sale) (Recent Sale) (Diff.A1-B1) Percentage %

14,454,767.73 14,643,392.67 188,654.94 C1/B1(%).

Will it be OK ?
Hi Shibu ,

Going by this specific example :

A1   :  14,454,767.73      ---- this is the original sales figure

B1   :  14,643,392.67      ---- this is the recent sales figure

C1   :  =B1-A1             ---- change in sales , +ve implies increase , -ve implies decrease

D1   :  =C1/A1             ---- percentage change , since the change is with reference to the
original figure