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Paste Special - Values only not working as expected


I have a formula in a worksheet that I copied down aprox 61K rows.
The formula looks like this:
so when this formula is false I get several "blank" rows.
When I copy this column to another sheet and try to paste special values only, I see my blank rows but they are not really blank ? My ultimate goal is to delete all my blanks.
What can I do different to get the blanks removed.
The formula appears fine, Can you post the workbook so we can see what is wrong ?
I copied the data to another sheet and used paste special > values , then I used filter to get rid of the blanks.
This worked so I am all set.
Still dont understand why my other method used find/replace > go to special > blanks and I couldnt find any blanks even though i had some blank cells.
You have found one of the the annoying little quirks in XL. You are correct, the "" is in the cell, and counts as a zero-length text non-blank cell :confused:. This makes it very annoying when trying to use Special Cells to delete those cells. My workaround is to purposely generate an error, and then delete the errors, like so:
this will create a #DIV/0 error, and after you do the paste values, you can do a Go to - Special Cells - Constants:Errors, and delete them.
Luke, you are right its anoying since I had the values I wanted completed in about 20 mins then I spent the next few hours searching and tshooting to try to get rid of the "empty" cells. I did get to converse with all you fine folks about excel, which is always a pleasure. I did solve my problem by using the filter which I was able to filter on "blanks" that did get rid of my blanks. I will file away your solution for the future.