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paired stacked and regular column graphs on two y-axes


New Member

I'm looking at 4 categorical characteristics of 12 rivers. For the first 3 characteristics of each river, I need their values stacked in a single column graph. I'd like the 4th characteristic displayed as a regular column graph with values on a second y-axis.

IOW, imagine paired column graphs; the first of which is stacked and the second is not.

So far, it seems like this is not possible. I can either stack all 4 categories or I can display the 4 categories side-by-side using regular column graphs, with the 4th category values on a second axis. Haven't found a way to combine the two. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Have a look at: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/stacked-bar-chart-alongside-normal-bar-chart

Does solve your problem?
Thanks for your help, Hui. Yes, I was able to do this by "stacking" the data for the first 3 categories in a single column (before I had each category in its own column) and separating the 4th category into its own column like you had suggested. Worked.

Now I am running into the problem of my normal column charts centering on top of my stacked column charts. Saw a fix somewhere online that I'll go look for now--something about adding zeros as dummy variable to shift the second axis chart.

Thanks again for your reply