ci1 = 1
inC = ci1:
i = inC + 1
A = array2(inC, 1)
b = array2(inC + 1, 1)
Aa = array1(inC, 1)
ba = array1(inC + 1, 1)
If A > b Then
array2(inC, 1) = b: c = A
array2(inC + 1, 1) = c
array1(inC, 1) = ba: ca = Aa
array1(inC + 1, 1) = ca
If inC > ci1 Then inC = inC - 1
inC = i: i = i + 1
End If
Loop Until inC = lf
order multiple dependent arrays
as you can see by the macro I used compared on a drive and the values in two arrays
but what if they were several arrays?
the variables A, B, C could be arrays with the number of elements in the arrays amount of
but it would not help much
how to not get something implaticavel?