I carried this over from the "old" site:
Original Post:
I want to test multiple cells vs. a constant. Rather than doing
is there a context for testing something like =99<>or(a1,f1,g1) (this obviously doesn't work)?
Thanks in advance
NARAYANK991 answered:
Try this :
This will return TRUE if even one of A1 , F1 or G1 is NOT 99 ; if all 3 of them are 99 , then the formula will return FALSE.
Polarisking responded:
What you presented works fine for data elements that are linear - I'm looking for an "elegant" solution where multiple cells might not be either in the same row or column.
Perhaps it has to be done using brute force, e.g. =or(Cell1<>X, Cell2<>X, Cell...<>X, Celln<>X)
Original Post:
I want to test multiple cells vs. a constant. Rather than doing
is there a context for testing something like =99<>or(a1,f1,g1) (this obviously doesn't work)?
Thanks in advance
NARAYANK991 answered:
Try this :
This will return TRUE if even one of A1 , F1 or G1 is NOT 99 ; if all 3 of them are 99 , then the formula will return FALSE.
Polarisking responded:
What you presented works fine for data elements that are linear - I'm looking for an "elegant" solution where multiple cells might not be either in the same row or column.
Perhaps it has to be done using brute force, e.g. =or(Cell1<>X, Cell2<>X, Cell...<>X, Celln<>X)