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open every workbook in new window


New Member
Respected Sir,

I am using office 2007 with windows 7 home premium

i have a problem that every time i try to open any workbook the same is open in new window mean if i have open 3 workbook using workbook icon the excel opens 3 times instead of 3 tabs

thanks & Regards
Good day gohelsamir

Workbooks will not open up inside another workbook, not sure why you would want this to happen, they open as single workbooks, it is quite easy to fick between open workbooks and work with the data, If you need the data from one then refrence it in another.
are you opening the files by going through Excel? (office button, open, ...)

have you tried opening 1 file, then going to your start menu (or icon on your desktop if you have one) and opening excel again for the next file??

i know if i want 2 separate windows open to have them side-by-side, i click on my shortcut to launch excel in a separate window...
Hi Samir ,

Can you see if this link helps ?


There is also some information here :

