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Old Macro fast keys

I have a number of macros I use on a fairly regular basis so I decided to use the Ctrl + key option and put in some fast keys. I wasn't thinking and I had Ctrl+d set up. It wasn't until I used Ctrl+d where I normally do to copy the cell above and it sudden;y did something else.

I went back to the macro and edited the line that shows the ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+d and I changed it to another key.

Is that sufficient to do what I want? Because when I use Ctrl+d it didn't do what I wanted it to do and it makes me wonder if Excel picks up the difference.
No, the VBA script is just a comment line saying what is being done. Open the Macro menu (Alt+F8), select the macro. Click on options, and remove the shortcut you assigned. That will let Ctrl+d work properly again.