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Old Lotus user


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I wrote phenomenal macros in Lotus 1-2-3 and yet I find the simplest things almost impossible to find in all my VBA manuals. I am constantly importing a file from another package - before it's any good to me I have to remove copius rows of blank cells and sort the result so I can manipulate formats. I have little difficulty with almost all of it but I arrive at the last thing I want to do which is start at the top of a column go 'end down' (I can do that in VBA) but when I want to go down one more cell I'm scuppered trying to find the code to do it. I also need 'right', 'left' and 'up' commands and it's like looking for a chicken with lips!! HELP!!
"but when I want to go down one more cell"

add a .offset(1,0) to your line that finds the last line

"I also need 'right', 'left' and 'up' commands"




Thanks! That helped - it's amazing how something simple like that is so hard to find in all the VBA manuals I have...