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Offsetting Negative and Positive Values in Excel worksheet


New Member
Hi All,

Just trying to find a way out to offset negative and positive values in a excel worksheet.

I have found a lot of formulas to do that if i have 1 match for each value. However I have few different combinations as given below in a single column.









Now how to possibly assign a formula in such a case, to get only one row after knocking off the other matching rows.
I'm not completely sure what you were wanting, but how about this?


Anywhere you see a TRUE is a number/row that doesn't have a match.
To build on what Luke M said; if you want to see the values rather than "True" or "False in the second column put:

Thanks Luke & Ole for your prompt help.

In my case, Ole's formula worked perfectly.

Once again, thanks to both of you.
