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OFFSET along with INDEX


Dear All,

Problem phonomena is below

1. My Lookup value in cell V7 : *F2482* (by using formula i.e ="*"&IF(LEFT(J11,1)="9",LEFT(J11,11),MID(J11,5,5))&"*" (Result is *F2482*)

2. Getting position of the lookup value in the range (in cell V8): ="J"&MATCH(V7,J11:J171,0)+10 (Result is J161)

3. Total number of repetitons of the lookup value (in cell V6): =COUNTIF(J11:J171,V7) (Result is 8)

4. Now i want to dynamically set the offset for lookup value start and end. So i tried below formula OFFSET(J161,0,0,8,1) (It became array values) around 8 items

5. Now i want last item (V6 value = 8) in that array. (8th item in that array)

6. Now i used index to get that value =INDEX(OFFSET(J161,0,0,8,1),8,0). Right answer, it working fine

But when i combined all those formulas in cell V4 like =INDEX(OFFSET("J"&MATCH(V7,J11:J171,0)+10,0,0,COUNTIF(J11:J171,V7),1),COUNTIF(J11:J171,V7),0)

It gives error and i can't able to combine the formulas

Please help
I'd try:

=INDEX(OFFSET(INDIRECT("J"&MATCH(V7,J11:J171,0)+10),0,0, COUNTIF(J11:J171,V7),1), COUNTIF(J11:J171,V7), 0)

Offset requires a range, not text
Thank you so much HUI, it works fine, but please explain why you have used indirect in this formula. If it is possible please share information about using INDIRECT formula.
Can it is possible to write the macro code to do this. I have tried but can't able to acheive the target, can you please share
Offset requires the first parameter to be a Range

When you hard code say J100 excel recognises that as a range and deals with it appropriately

When you enter "J"&MATCH(V7,J11:J171,0)+10, even though it may look like J100 the " 's tell Excel that it is a Text String

Indirect converts text strings to Ranges

Keep in mind that some functions return Range References by default including:

Address, Offset, Indirect & Index