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Object Invoked has disconnected from Its client


New Member
Hi, am trying to connect IE through macro and When I reach the 'Do While objIE.Busy Or objIE.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE' line i am getting the error 'Object invoked has disconnected from its client. Not sure what I am missing. Fact is I am still beginner with IE connection through macros. This is the first time I am trying this type of code. Any suggestions or guidelines will help me lot.

Sub NewTabIE()

      Dim objIE As InternetExplorer
      Set objIE = New InternetExplorer
          objIE.Visible = True
          objIE.navigate "URL"
          Do While objIE.Busy Or objIE.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
            objIE.navigate "URL", CLng(2048)
            objIE.navigate "URL", CLng(2048)
      Set objIE = Nothing

End Sub

Further to this, I would need to navigate to multiple pages in same window. And I really dont know how to do it :-( so.. any suggestions on this too will be appreciated.

Sorry, First time I am posting question. Could you please let me know where should I post this VBA question?