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No. of days between two date in MS Excel 2003


I have to find out no. of days between any two dates (may not be in the same year) with a complete accuracy, in MS Excel 2003. Is there a way to do this?


Don't think so hard.




if you don't care what order you put the dates in.

Remember, dates are stored simply as integer values in XL.

If you actually try this out... you will notice the validity of the question Deepak has put forward.

For the first go, even I was about the reply what you have done... but then I decided to check and found that it was indeed a very good question.

Deepak thanks for putting this across.

Luke... if you consider 01-Jan-2007 and 31-Dec-2008 as the dates, then going for the A1-B1 formula we will get 730 days.

Where as it should be 729 days only...

go give it a shot... my day was made by this query..


I'm not following your example. There are 364 days remaining in the year 2007, and 365 days preceding 12/31/2008 (leap year). Following normal convention (where we include the last day, aka including the end point), this would be 364+365+1. If OP is truly defining between as exclusive of endpoints (ie, there are 2 numbers between 2 and 5) then yes, you would need to subtract 1 day, ala:


If we need to go case by case and find the difference manually for the dates, then I may agree with what you have described above.

Can you send me your email address or drop me a mail at sharma.vijay1-at-gmail.com; I will mail the excel file i created for this and we can have a discussion on the same.

ps: I hope you have tried out the formula...


I'm afraid I have a strict no-email policy. =(

Maybe dealing with the math itself will be less confusing. In XL, 1/1/2007 is the number 39083. 12/31/2008 is number 39813.

On a small scale, lets reduce it to 83 and 113. there are "29" numbers between these 2 if we don't include either number. However, if today is the 28, and I say I will be back in 2 days, that is commonly interpretted as meaning I'll be back on the 30th. This is what I think needs clarified.

And yes, I did try the formula. I also created the entire number line for 1/1/07 to 12/31/08, which takes 731 cells to display.
Dear Luke, Vijay,

I must thank you for the kind help. I tried both the formulas with below start date ann end dates. Can you please confirm, which is perfect?

Start Date End Date Luke Formula Vijay Formula

------------- ------------ ------------- ------------------

2/28/2008 3/29/2011 1125 1123

2/28/2009 3/29/2011 759 758

2/28/2010 3/29/2011 394 394

2/28/2011 3/29/2011 29 29

Kind regards,



Gives same result as Luke

So I think it depends if you include both end dates or not

A1 25/2/11

B1 29/2/11




2007 has 364 days

2008 has 365 days

2009 has 364 days

2010 has 364 days.

If a simple A1-B1 is done for 1-Jan-2007 and 31-12-2007, you will get the result as 730 which is not correct

364+365 = 729 days

The original query is to find the ACTUAL difference between two dates... and that's what i have asnwered for.

@Deepak... you can try this with your real data and come back with the results.
