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I stumbled upon this idea of a new kind of pie chart

Lets say we have 4 categories of expenses:

Home, Children, Entertainment, College

Within these categories we have expenses as follows

Home -> Rent, Furniture, Supplies, Groceries

Children -> Books, Uniforms, Stationery

Entertainment -> Movies, Eating Out, Travel, Disneyland

College -> Tuition, Loans.

So each category has a different (dynamic) number of categories.

Let's say we represent the expenses in each MAJOR category (Home, Children, Entertainment, College) on a PIE CHART.

Wouldn't it be great if we could represent the sub-categories in the pie chart as a "Stacked Chart" but within each PIE of the chart? So each subcategory would form a shaded sector within its category...

Is this possible? How? I managed to draw the chart and copy as an image.. but no option here to upload a file...