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New Dash to a Dashboard idea -- Help sought


New Member
Better than a bar chart is a dial gauge to show variables that are sequentially lower or higher. For example, A transporting company has 93 trucks, of which 87 are available for service, of which 81 are on service of which 60 are running to full capacity. The Dial gauge would show a speedometer dial from zero to 100, within which a thick blue circular band fills up to 93, within which a less thick green band runs up to 87, within which red thin band runs to the 81 mark on the scale and a black needle points to 60.

The needle and the circular ribbons to the measure of the scale are drawn using Shapes in Excel 2003 or Smartart in MS Excel 2007.

Now the question: How can I set the needle and the block-arcs that makes the thick and thin color circular bands respond to data on a table that contains the numbers mentioned?

Any help is well appreciated and I will build and give you a gift with complete code and graphics to use it as an Excel plugin for displaying real-time info on your dash board.
Have you had a look at:



Hi !

I tried Gauge as per u r reqmnt bt diffrnt color bands (as u say thick, thin...)dont fit in between. finally i landed up on regular simple Gauge.

I knw its not as per u r reqmnt, bt follow this link if u want.
