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Nested If for shipping calculator


New Member
Hi: I have a complicated nested if formula that I need to design for an assignmentand I'm having some trouble:


If cell 1 ="CASE" and cell 2 < 200 and cell 3 = "China" then shipping cost is $65

If cell 2 < 300 and cell 3 = "China" then shipping cost is $95

all others are $125

Can't figure out how to get it to work because basically parts of the first and second formulas overlap each other.

Any assistance would be appreciated!!!

Thank you,

Since the first two conditional statements both need cell 2 < 200 and cell 3 = China, we test those first, and then differentiate from there. Formula becomes:

=IF(AND(Cell 2<300,Cell 3="China"),IF(AND(cell 1="CASE",cell 2<200),65,95),125)