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Nested IF/And formula

Hi Blair ,

That was my point ; that if you want to copy + paste , or at least mimic that effect , then a simple OFFSET formula will not do.

Can you clarify a point or two ?

1. Will AG4 always be greater than 0 ? Or can it be negative too ?

2. Will your input range always be AE61:AE347 ? Or can it extend beyond AE347 ?

If your answers to both the above questions are "YES" , then what you need to do , is to enter formulae in AG61 onwards , for as many rows as you expect ; suppose the maximum value that AG4 can take is 100 , then you need to enter formulae from AG61 to AG447.

The formula itself will be taking the value in AG4 into account :


Enter the above formula in AG61 , and copy downwards as far as you want.

Cell E10 and following contains closing prices on a daily basis. Each day I will add another closing price at the bottom of Col E. I would like to duplicate all of Col E to Col AO and offset backward by the contents of AO4 (currently -26). AO4 will always be a negative number. Therefore the value of E35 would show in AO10, E36 in AO11, & etc. I’ve tried to apply the last formula you created for me but because I don’t understand the “Row()” and exactly what each element of the formula does I’m unable to apply it to the new situation. As always, I’m grateful for your help.
Hi Blair ,

If I understand you correctly , your data range is E10 , E11 , E12 and so on.

You would like AO10 , AO11 , AO12 and downwards to reflect the contents of column E offset by the number in AO4 , which will always be a negative number. Suppose AO4 contains -1 , then AO10 should be the same as E10 ; is this correct ?

If so , then the following formula should do the job :


Can you confirm whether my understanding is correct ?
