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Need VBA help to split the master data > new workbook>pivot


Hello Team,

I have scenario need your vba expertise to build this.

Sumamry :

The input data file need to be split by coulumns and create pivot table and details in a seperate sheet for each paring of the column data and save it in a folder.


Input file : enclosed the copy, would like to split the data based on the country[india , china and so on] and type[AP, GL only] (column O and M)

and created the sample pivot for reference.

output : should create based on country files. in this case 2 files india and china

each country will have the AP and GL data.

1. India : will have 4 tabs :

- AP : AP summary pivot
- AP details - pivot details (from the input data) - which contains all the columns
-GL : GL summary pivot
-GL detaisl : pivot details (from the input data) - which contains all the columns

same way for china as well.

I have more than 20 countries to be done in the same way. attached input file and the out put file for india country.

can you please help....



  • input-data.xlsx
    15.1 KB · Views: 1
  • output-India.xlsx
    20.7 KB · Views: 2