I have an excel file (txt) with printer counters that I need to format to import it into a tracking tool.
I only need the "Machine Num, Counter Date, Counter Type and Counter Value columns".
My problem is that I have to rotate the counter type column to have the ZBWT (black counter) and ZCOT (Color counter) values in the column and group the serial numbers of my printers (Machine number).
Can you help me with the attached file?
I have an excel file (txt) with printer counters that I need to format to import it into a tracking tool.
I only need the "Machine Num, Counter Date, Counter Type and Counter Value columns".
My problem is that I have to rotate the counter type column to have the ZBWT (black counter) and ZCOT (Color counter) values in the column and group the serial numbers of my printers (Machine number).
Can you help me with the attached file?