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Need to drill down data by using pivot table!


New Member

i have a report having following columns using excel 2007-

Requestname	trackname	buildmonth	branch	kins build time
kins -aab	aad	4	2013.4.13	4.5
kins -aab	aad	6	2013.11.13	5.6
kins -aab	aad	3	2013.17.13	4.3
average aad				        4.8
kins -abb	vippe	4	2013.4.13	4.5
kins -abb	vippe	6	2013.11.13	5.6
kins -abb	vippe	3	2013.17.13	4.3
average vippe				        4.8
here i need to display only average aad/vippe rows,here clicking upon i would like to display the individual rows using pivot table
Good day senthilgjs

Post edited with back ticks

Do you need to use a PT, this could be done very easily in with table filtering?
If you make a PT

Double clicking any value or total shows which records made that value in a new Worksheet