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need to develop a macro or simplify the process


New Member

Thanks for the all help i got from here.

I have uploaded a workbook, which contains data downloaded from my accounting package, formulas and final output. Following is the link........


Please check column H,I,J,K in test worksheet and observe the formulas.

The final output should be as per the data in final output sheet.

Please let me know if you people have any questions.

Any help from you would be greatly appreciated.


I would do the following

1. insert a Column between H & I

2. I7 enter Row

3. I8 =row()

4. Copy down to the bottom of your data

5. Select Columns I:L

6. Copy

7. Paste Special values

8. Delete Columns A:H

9. Select A7:D356 (Top Left to bottom right of the data

10. Sort by Account Code Ascending

11. Scroll Down and Find where the Debits/Credits stop Row 97

12. delete all the rows below 97

13. Reselect A7:D96

14. Sort by Row Smallest to Largest

15. Delete column A
Type =IF(MID(E2,1,6)="ledger",MID(E2,9,4),H1) in the cell H2

Copy H2 and paste to down as you need

Keep the formula as you written in the column I,J,K

Then follow Hui's instruction