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Need to create separate time series from a large single one


New Member
Hi there,

I have hourly time series data for a commodity trade volume for an year, and I need to create separate time-series for each hour,for each day. can someone help me with that?

Thanks in advance
Just to confirm, you have the hourly sales volume for a commodity for a twelve month period. You'd like to analyze the data by hour of the day (e.g. 8AM, 9AM,...), by day of the week (e.g. Mon, Tues, Wed...), and potentially by "hour of the day" and "day of the week" (e.g. 8AM-Mon, 10AM-Wed,...). Is this close?

As long as your data has a complete time stamp including day and hour, this should be doable.
A pivot table could be a solution (maybe with additional columns with date only and hour only)