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Need to add n number of working days in a given date.


Hi All,

I need a help calculating the Turn Around Time. To do this I need to add n number of working days in a given date e.g. if request is raised on Thursday and Turn Around Time is 72 hours i.e. 3 working days then Turn Around Time would be Monday End of Business.

I tried to apply if else conditions but it has become a gient formula and I am lost in it now.

Kindly help


Try either:




Workday.Intl is only available in Excel 2010 and beyond
Hi Hui,

Thank you so much for the help. I had tried to use Networkdays.INTL but that wasn't helping.

I will try to rewrite the formula and contact again if face any issue.

Thanks a lot,

Don't forget that you can also add Holidays to both versions and Alternate Weekends to the the 2010 version as well