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need simplified Cumulative total with if condition


Hi all..

i have posted excel file with if condition calculating cumulative total. I request u to assist me in finding out cumulative total with other formula, just in case if i have to use 12 months.

Currently... the excel file holds only 3 months. Formula will be long,if i keep adding months. Kindly, suggest me with other substitute formula for that.



  • Cumulative total formula.xlsx
    9.4 KB · Views: 12
Dear Ganeshm

For B30 the following forumla should do the trick, it compares the dates in B3 to D3 and if they are less than or equal to the date in B18 then it will add up the corresponding values in row 15.


If you add more months then you'll need to extend the b3:d3 and b15:d15 ranges
Another way...

I think your formula should be:
