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Need Help with my first KPI Dashboard (dynamic table range - onclick macro)


This is my first attempt to build a dashboard on my own. I used a on click macro to switch tables and conditional formating in the Dashboard. It works fine but I have few problems I can't fix without your help.

I need help with 3 Parts

1. Space in Titles doesn't work:
I cant use names with a space in it. The Name Manager doesnt recognize the names. Can I fix this?

2. I need a Targetline on every chart:
For example: The target for KPI 1 is 80, I need a Line chart. It should change the Targetline on click like the Barchart does.

3. Dynamic ranges:
The Trendline should be dynamic. (max last 12 Months, now its less then 12, so it should be less - at max 12)
The Chart should be dynamic too

Link to the file

Q1. Names can't have spaces in them as a space is a Union operator
ie: My Name is actually performing the union of Two Range My and Name
Simply use an _ in the names instead ie: My_Name

Q2. I'm unsure what you mean here

Q3. Which Charts & Data and Trendlines ?
Thanks for the quick reply.

1. I tried My_Name, it does not work (My Name -> Name Manager -> Create from Selection automatically puts a _ between the space but the chart does not work when I click on the Name)

2. I need a third chart. A straight line chart with the target. But every KPI has a different target, so it should change onclick (like the bar chart).

3. all charts should be dynamic (Trend & Bar graph)
