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Need Help Conditional formatting expiry date


New Member

I'm in need of some help. I'm in the inspection industry and need to build a chart of the inspections i'm currently doing each inspection is due every 3 years but what i like to do is use a formula that uses a color scale using red yellow and green red getting close to the 3 year expiration yellow half way and green most recent inspection. i would like for the cells to color them self daily.
Hi x3droopyx3,

Welcome to the Forums!! Why you want to color the chart on daily basis when you need to inspect them on 3-yearly basis. I mean chart will have to much of data if you put it on daily basis, why not on monthly basis??

I do not quite follow you. but assuming you have dates for tests in column A, then you could use/adapt the following formulas for the conditional formatting.

1/ =AND($A1<>"",$A1>TODAY(),$A1<=TODAY()+90) Less then equal to 90 days

2/ =AND($A1<>"",$A1>TODAY()+90,$A1<=TODAY()+180) Between 90-180 days

3/ =AND($A1<>"",$A1>TODAY()+180,$A1<=TODAY()+365)

Format the cells as required.