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Named Dynamic Range Based on Current Month


Hi there-

I'm trying to create a dynamic named range that will automatically update based on the current date (mainly the month). The list is in a row, not columns.

Here's what I have:


What I want is the range of months to shrink as the months progress in time. This is to roll from a projected value to an actual value as the months end.

Of course, it's not working.

Any thoughts?


It will be something like



Hi ,

I don't fully understand what you have in D15 ; since the MONTH function will return a value between 1 and 12 , the range will shrink as time passes only if the end date is a date in December ; any date in January will return 1 , which when subtracted will result in a greater value.

I assume you have some data in the columns beyond D , such as E2 , F2 ,...

Assuming you have a number in D15 , which is greater than 12 , say 15 , then a formula like :


will extend from D2 through Q2 , when we are in January ; when we are in December , the range will shrink to D2:F2.

If you want the shrinking to happen in the other direction , change the above formula to :

