M Mandar New Member Yesterday at 4:52 AM #1 passwrd required: 9826064826 Please help Attachments Score Cardtest.xlsm 391.2 KB · Views: 4
V vletm Excel Ninja Yesterday at 7:53 AM #2 Where ... when? Have You tried to run below code alone? Application.EnableEvents = True If it 'helps' then there is somewhere part of code which needs to modify.
Where ... when? Have You tried to run below code alone? Application.EnableEvents = True If it 'helps' then there is somewhere part of code which needs to modify.
Belleke Well-Known Member Yesterday at 7:40 PM #3 Fisrt off all your example is not complete, we can't do about it., a question, did you change office 32 bit to office 64 bit?
Fisrt off all your example is not complete, we can't do about it., a question, did you change office 32 bit to office 64 bit?