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Multiple Tournament Bracket sorting


I will have multiple users who will enter either 1,2,3,or 4 brackets.

Each bracket will have 8 positions, these will be determined randomally and are different sheets on the spreadsheet.


Joe 4

Jerry 3

Matt 2

Mike 1

So Joe will have to get put in all 4 brackets, Jerry in 3, etc etc. I would try to "fill" one bracket before moving on to the next bracket.

Im guessing this would involve a random integeter between 1-8 and then have that number search if its been taken by another name in the desired bracket.

Thanks in advance.

Have a look at this


I think it does what you want

Enter the person Name and No of Brackets they want in the green area

The worksheet uses a Random number and then Ranks the results to determine if a player is in a Bracket

It is simple and easy to follow

If you want the Brackets on different pages copy the area M2:Q11 to each page and delete the columns you don't want on those pages
Very close. Thanks.

Can you keep the data from "refreshing" each time you put a number in?

If I have 9 players,is there a way to move the 9th player to participate in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bracket if there is not space in the 1st one?

Once that functionality is complete, I think I know how to move them into respective positions on a "tournament tree" so that I can print each person's positon in the tournament(s) they are participating in.
Turn Off calculations

Enter data

Press F9 to Calculate

Goto Excel Options, Formula, Select Manual Calculation
I suppose this operation would be difficult to put in because of the randomness of the numbers as well as not knowing how many participants there would be. FOr this to be effective, it would have to cover at least 20 players

For 20 people with 4 Brackets per person you could need ultimately 9 Brackets of 8 players

I have setup a demo for 20 people with 8 players per Bracket, requires 7 brackets to get everyone through, But I have setup 9 brackets

Have a look at


You should be able to work out how to extend it if required

Sometimes you will get 1 person by themselves in the last 2 or 3 brackets as they haven't been choosen earlier, Just press F9 and reclculate until you have a few players in the last bracket.
This looks like its good. Any chance you can get this to work on an earlier version of Excel? The laptop I'm thinking of putting this on has an earlier version of excel.

Thanks for your help!
