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multiple sheet pivot table


New Member
sheet1 name sales

sheet2 name purchase

sheet sales data below

Date Billno Party Paritcular Qty Rate Amount

1-2-12 12021 vipul r mango 25 100 2500

3-2-12 24560 mahesh vanila 20 50 1000

10-2-12 65696 hitesh sitafal 40 40 1600

sheet2 purchase data below

Date Billno Party Paritcular Qty Rate Amount

26-1-12 121 ganesh mango 50 60 3000

28-1-12 24560 ganesh vanila 40 100 4000

10-2-12 65696 ganesh sitafal 60 50 3000

now i create piovt table with multipulse sheet data so maintain stock & amout


Have a read of http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/consolidate-multiple-worksheets-into-one-pivottable-report-HA010226585.aspx