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Multiple series Y vs X Scatter chart auto fill series and accept Y vs X point


New Member
I have multiple spread sheets with one item on each one of them with 5 to 200 customers that purchase each item, I am trying to add each customer as a series, The Y line i want to be the price per kg that the customer paid, the x value i want to be the Quantity the customer purchased.

Example Data

'CustKey Price per KG Qty Purchased

'Cust1 14.75 56

'Cust2 10.83 568

'Cust3 7.92 1690

I can add the two numeric columns and it formats correctly but then i am missing the series as a reference to the customer

I can add all three columns but then the two numeric columns are two points on the chart for each series.

I can add each customer as a series one at a time but with over 9000 items with veritable number of customers it would take a ridicules amount of time to process them all.

I am hoping for a way to be able to fill in data into a table so that i can copy and paste into the table to generate the chart.

Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.

File Link https://www.box.com/s/rsu2xf77sgsvg2vx1d4y

I want it to look like the second chart, the first can be generated automatically and so can the third, the second has to have the series added one at a time.
Thanks for helping me post the file up, In my file link i was just trying to show the chart differences but thanks for putting another up with just the data.
Hi ,

I am sorry I did not explain in more detail.

The file I uploaded contains a macro which :

a) Creates the chart

b) Fills in the series.

The name of the macro is Create_Chart.

Can you check it out ?

Ah thanks i missed it, thanks i will check it out, I appreciate your assistance, persistance and the bonk on the head to me.
FYI...I dont know if i said it but Narayan you are amazing, thanks for the wakeup call.

Tested and works like a champ