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Multiple Results while Looking Up


New Member
While using "Vlookup" or "Index", if the "lookup_value" is matching with more than one cell, how to get all those matched results
Hi Venu ,

Can you check out the following article ?


Not under stood, while implementing I am getting error even with the given example also, I want to display the exact matching results as well as nearby results also, for example in a telephone directory while searching with word "venu", then all the matching results to that word like "venu gopal", "venu rao", "venus" etc.. Should come in the result area vertically
Hi Venu ,

If you are not averse to using a helper column , then you can do the following :

1. Assume your data is in column A , say from A10:A20.

2. Assume your keyword , against which you want matches from the list in column A , is in A1.

3. Assume your helper column is B.

4. Enter the following formula in B10 , and copy it down till B20 :

5.  Enter the following formula in C10 , and copy it down till C20 ; this is an array formula , to be entered using CTRL SHIFT ENTER :

The above will return only those entries which start with the text VENU ; if this text is embedded anywhere else in between other text such as in the word REVENUE , it will not be returned.


P.S. The above is courtesy : http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2004/06/07/simulating-a-like-function/