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Multiple List Box Manipulation


New Member

I have this requirement which is killing me. Tried a lot with no result at all. i have like 5 drop down menus with selections in them. what i want to happen is that whenever, i choose lets say a region called Europe, it should show only the countries in the EU. I was able to do it using the indirect method, however the last selection refuses to leave the cell so at times the data is kind of distorted while viewing.

Secondly, i am unable to get the formula to read all the permutations that can be selected using the drop down.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Have a look at the links mentioned here:

Thanks Hui for the welcome and the links. I have used the indirect method and will try using the vbscript provided in one of the links. However the data manipulation still remains a mystery to me. If you could just take a look at the sample file that I have provided i would be grateful.

Thanks in advance.
Have a look at using the DSUM function

In the following cells on Sheet1, insert:

F1: Month

G1: Country

H1: Customer

F2: =IF(C14="MTD",TEXT(C6,"mmm-yy"),"<="&TEXT(C6,"mmm-yy"))

G2: =IF(C10="All","",C10)

H2: =IF(C12="All","",C12)

Your answer is: =DSUM(Sheet3!A1:E997,5,F1:H2)

Or download the modified file here: https://rapidshare.com/files/1584217737/Multiple_Perm-1_Hui.xlsx
Hi, chimero!

Week ago I had solved a similar problem. Please check the file in this link, maybe it's suitable for your job:


Hey Hui,

Thank you for the dsum formula, worked like a charm Appreciate the help.

Hi SirJB7,

Thanks for the code. It does exactly what I want it to do.
