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Multiple IF and/or LOOKUP


New Member
Dear Excel Gurus!

Attached you may find my sample excel file. I tried to explain details there. Can you please check and write me a formula? Simply, it's a multiple decisions based on provided data.

Thank you!


  • sample.xlsx
    12.7 KB · Views: 2
Welcome to the forum Posthuman! :awesome:

Formula in E3 would be:
I've composed a formula similar to Luke's (see attached file):


Note: In the third row of sample data you provided, both Luke and I are returning a different result than you predicted.

All best.


  • posthuman1.xlsx
    13.3 KB · Views: 2
Last edited:
Dear Luke,

First of all thanks for warm welcome!

Still I couldn't make it run, I think it's because of localization settings or something like that. When I copy/paste your formula excel warns me. Then I replaced all , with ; but this time it returns with #REF! :(

I am not so good with excel (besides painting cells :) Can you give me a hint what to do? or could you put your formula in E3 and upload here?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I re-uploaded file in case you may want to check it.


  • Copy of sample.xlsx
    13.1 KB · Views: 2
Hello Eibi,

Yeah, I realized that by your warning. You are right, it's my mistake.

I checked your file and it works pretty good!

Thanks a lot!