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Multiple embedded textboxes with same code


New Member

I have 50+ embedded text boxes in my active sheet and I would like to apply a formula to all of the text boxes without having to rewrite the code for each textbox.

I am new to VBA and I have read about the possibility of using classes but I do not understand how I can make them work. I also did not enter my textboxes into a form which seems to be popular judging by the searches but I did not see a reason to use them. Should I have used a form? Any help with explaining how to write the code and explaining would be greatly appreciated.

Here are a few examples of the textbox names. Every text box starts with txt.





Here is an example of a procedure that I would like to occur for every textbox in the active workbook whenever any of the textboxes gain focus.

Private Sub txtFirstYear011_GotFocus()

'Selects all data within the textbox when it gains focus.

txtFirstYear011.SelStart = 0

txtFirstYear011.SelLength = Len(txtFirstYear011.Text)

End Sub

Here is another sample code that I would like to apply to all textboxes.

Private Sub txtFirstYear011_LostFocus()

'Makes the entered number a percent.

txtFirstYear011.Value = Format(Val(txtFirstYear011.Value) / 100, "0.00%")

txtFirstYear011.SelStart = Len(txtFirstYear011.Value) - 1

End Sub

Thank you for your time.
First, a link to UserForm tutorials:


I wasn't able to find any help on using a Class to control all text boxes, but you could have VB write all the code for you. Here's an example macro that writes your code.

Sub CreateCode1()
Dim Code1String As String
Dim Code2String As String
For Each sh In Me.Shapes
'This is the line that controls which shapes to look at
If Left(sh.Name, 3) = "txt" Then
Code1String = Code1String & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Private Sub " & sh.Name & "_GotFocus()" & vbNewLine & _
"'Selects all data within the textbox when it gains focus." & vbNewLine & _
sh.Name & ".SelStart = 0" & vbNewLine & _
sh.Name & ".SelLength = Len(" & sh.Name & ".Text)" & vbNewLine & _
"End Sub"
Code2String = Code2String & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Private Sub " & sh.Name & "_LostFocus()" & vbNewLine & _
"'Makes the entered number a percent." & vbNewLine & _
sh.Name & ".Value = Format(Val(" & sh.Name & ".Value) / 100, ""0.00%"")" & vbNewLine & _
sh.Name & ".SelStart = Len(" & sh.Name & ".Value) - 1" & vbNewLine & _
"End Sub"

End If
Next sh

Debug.Print Code1String
Debug.Print Code2String

End Sub
Then you can just copy all the written code from the Immediate window and paste it into the module.
Hi ,

Try out this file , though it seems difficult to work with , since it uses the Mouse Move event.



Courtesy :

1. Stephen Bullen : http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/Excel/microsoft.public.excel.programming/2005-01/1418.html

2. Rick Rothstein : http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/excel-vba-using-same-code-apply-multiple-textboxes-userform-t4032037.html