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multiple conditionals



condition1: If(c2="name1";d2;"")

condition2: If(c3="name2";d3;"")

condition2: If(c4="name3";d4;"")

condition4: If(c5="name4";d5;"")

A2 has a drop down list with text_1, text_2, text_3, text_4

In A3 I want to put all 4 conditions like this: If(A2="text_1";condition1;""); if A2 = text_2 then condition2 is done, if A2 contains text_3, then condition3 is done.

Can you help me with a good formula please?

Appreciation your cooperation, I am.
Hi, ahhhmed!

If I understood your question, what I'm not absolutely sure, try this:

A2 : dropdown list using source from C2:C5

A3 : formula, =VLOOKUP(A2,C2:D5,2,FALSE)

C2:C5 : text_1, text_2, text_3, text_4

D2:D5 : output_1, output_2, output_3, output_4

Otherwise, please let me know your comments.
