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MS Word- Field Update can't done automatically


Dear All,

This problem regarding MS Word 2007, I have inserted a table in my document and wrote IYM/RFQ/010/MAY/12/, now i inserted page number after 12/, assume that IYM/RFQ/010/MAY/12/1, 1 is the page number, but whenever i inserted a page and copy all the contenets, page number field can't update, i need to do it manually, like right click on that number and click update field. So is there anyway it will do it automatically, like if i will insert a page and copy the contents then page number field should update automatically.



I'm not saying somebody won't help you, but Chandoo.org is a MS Excel site where we give examples of Excel solutions and solve excel Problems.

Have you tried looking at one of the many MS Word blogs/sites ?
Dear Hui,

Thanks for your reply, but i didn't get any solution in my google searching. So finally i post this on chandoo.org. If you suggest some sites, then it will be more helpful to me

Hi vijay.vizzu,

Might these step help you in this problem:

1. In your word document, go the "Inset" Tab.

2. Now Double Click the "Footer" area so that it is activated for editing.

3. Copy the first part that you want to be repeated on each page i.e. IYM/RFQ/010/MAY/12/ and paste in the footer.

4. Now to to Quick Parts > Field > Field Name > Page and double click Page so that it is intserted after your repeated part.

5. Move out of the footer.

6. Insert Page Break to see whether it is being repeated like you wanted.

...and i have tried it, it is getting repeated. :)

Hope this helps.


Dear Faseeh,

Thank you for your comments, but i don't want to use it in header or footer, So if you any other idea, then plz


but Chandoo.org is a MS Excel site where we give examples of Excel solutions and solve excel Problems.

