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Ms Excel


New Member
Dear All

i am working with billing team , i have more then 10 vendors , i need create dashboards

if i selecting a vendors name i need the following details like ,

1) Month wise activity assigned

2) Month wise bill cleared

3) Month wise bill pending

4) Bill yet to receive from vendor

5) Activity completed

6) Activity Pending

vendor name maybe in scroll-bar or data validation scroll bar

i have try ed lot time my end but i can't implement in excel ,so please help me on the same

currently i maintaining different sheet each vendor


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums

Chandoo has many examples of Dashboards and dashboard Tutorials available at Chandoo.org

Start having a look here: http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-dashboards/

Alternatively Chandoo may take this on as a Consulting Job, please discuss with him here: http://chandoo.org/wp/contact/