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MOS Excel Expert


New Member
Hi all,

can anyone provide sample test for MOS Excel Expert certification or a good link?

I'm going to get one in march. I've heard that it's "real tasks based" test.

It costs not a small amount as well.

That's why I wanna be prepared as well as possible.

It must be that time of the year as Debra Dalgleish over at Contextures.blog published this the other day.


Also check the comments
Hi ,

A few more links from Google :

1. http://kimbalko.blogspot.com/2010/12/mos-2010-excel-expert-beta-exam-77-888.html

2. http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=600258

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP2ZrMLxAeg

4. http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/is/CertGeneral/thread/060c0fa1-8ce0-4816-be61-c064fb55e802

5. http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en/CertGeneral/thread/85c8d4f1-57d7-43fe-aac0-eedfaecec5e3

That really doesn't look that hard.

Although, anybody know what this is talking about? "navigating across worksheets by using named ranges". i guess they mean using goto?
Thanks gentlemen.

I've seen almost all of them but thanks for your effort.

on kimbalko.blogspot.com (above) there is a link to beta exam, I'm going to try it after work.

Thanks again.