• Hi All

    Please note that at the Chandoo.org Forums there is Zero Tolerance to Spam

    Post Spam and you Will Be Deleted as a User


  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.

More Buried Spam

Hi all,

The last post of this thread as well:


May be a good idea, if the spam is removed quickly they may get feed up, unless it is bots doing the posting
I've been Traveling for the past 2 days with limited Internet access

So haven't been able to check as regularly as normal
Hi, all!

Being doing the same for last 4 days and found many undetected spams. All deleted.


PS: And better don't talk about Tag field spam... over 80% of topics. All deleted too.

I've been starting to wonder if we need to create a stickey where people alert us to spams, or as a general "message to moderators" thread. We could then delete the spam and the message from stickey. Whenever we see there's more than 1 comment in the thread, we know there's a message. Thoughts?
Good evening Luke M

Some thing along your line of thinking would, I am sure, help in getting rid of spam quickly, when I find spam I post another thread to alert Ninjas but others may not have the time or patience to do this. Also if the spam is being posted by people they may stop if they know that their efforts will be removed very quickly. Or am I living in the wrong world :)
Hi, all!

In my daily trail thru unread topics since my last or previous entry I use to first check for spam advices and suspicious topics, and after that then walk into each new or modified topic and delete spam posts or tags. It's nothing funny and I think it'd be useful to have the chance to delete those spam users but I haven't found how yet even having asked and told it was available, my mistake I guess.
